Alexi O'Keefe
Alexi O'Keefe
Graphic and Performance Designer with a focus on small, simple gestures that capture complex ideas, texts and brands.
'Macbeth' explores the gruesome inner workings of a political system. Beneath an ordered parliament lies underhandedness, conspiracy and manipulation slowly revealing themselves through the actions and responses of Macbeth himself.
The play depicts a dynamic shift in its primary character - from a headstrong leader to a disturbed and neurotic murderer. His paranoia is accentuated by the slow transformation of the sitting room into a coliseum, using the mechanism's rusted scissor lifts to generate twisted, sharp and oppressive shadows.
The careful development of these shapes draws a contrast to the order and naturalism in the early stages of the play, complementing the text's own structure.
The witches' role within the play is presented analogously to the manipulative role of the media in the recent history of Australia's political climate, thus the sound design and score draw aesthetically from Australia's own news media including radio and television, gradually deconstructing familiar auditory cues.